Insurance Over Texas

430 Hwy 6 S. #102
Houston, TX 77079

About Insurance Over Texas

Why All Homeowners Need Flood Insurance

Many homeowners are often under the impression that their area couldn’t possibly flood. However, floods can occur nearly everywhere, making it crucial for homeowners always to stay prepared. If you own a home, pairing your home insurance with a robust flood insurance policy is necessary to keep your property and assets safe. Get detailed insights on flood insurance from Insurance Over Texas in Houston, TX.

The Value of Flood Insurance Alongside Home Insurance

Many homeowners are under the erroneous belief that their home insurance policy is sufficient protection against floods, which isn’t the case. Floods are typically excluded from home insurance coverage, meaning a flood could result in total property loss if you don’t have a valid flood insurance policy. Regardless of your home insurance policy, you bear the financial burden for all flood-inflicted damages without flood insurance.

Understanding Flood Zones

Certain areas are designated as flood zones, and these zones carry expectations of periodic flooding. Many homeowners realize the mandatory requirement for flood insurance upon moving into these flood-prone zones. However, it’s not advisable to forego flood insurance if you live outside these zones. Statistics indicate that approximately 20% of flood damage claims originate from areas outside of flood zones, implying that virtually any home is susceptible to flooding.

Don’t leave your home unprotected against potential flooding. Contact Insurance Over Texas in Houston, TX today to get your flood insurance policy.

Does home insurance cover renovations?

At Insurance Over Texas, we want you to understand what home insurance covers so you know when you need to add a temporary policy or rider to it. When renovating your home, you must add a home renovation policy or rider. You won’t need this if you remodel your Houston, TX home.

What’s the difference between renovating and remodeling?

When you remodel your home, you use what you already own, rearranging your furniture or repurposing old pieces. You might add new curtains or rugs, but the work doesn’t require building anything new or tearing anything down.

When you renovate your home, you either tear out walls or other structural portions or build onto it. This requires construction permits if your municipality requires them. You should also add a rider or temporary policy called home renovation insurance to cover things like loss of materials or liability for worker injury because your typical home insurance policy does not cover these items.

Updating Your Policy Due to the Renovation

Also, review your policy with your insurance agent during your remodeling process. You’ll need to update it to cover your expanded square footage or include your home’s new features.

Contact Insurance Over Texas Today

Let us help you protect your financial future against losses related to your Houston, TX home. Insurance Over Texas can assist you in customizing your home insurance, providing you with precisely the coverage you need when you need it. Call or email us to learn how you can add protection to your home insurance bundle for your home and liability during the renovation process.

5 Questions to Ask Your Home Insurance Agent Before Buying a Policy

Home insurance is one of those things that you hope you never have to use, but it’s essential to have in case the worst does happen. When selecting a home insurance policy, it’s essential to work with an experienced agent who can help you navigate the various options and find the coverage that best fits your needs. Here are five questions to ask your home insurance agent before buying a policy.

1. What Type of Coverage Do I Need?

There are various home insurance policy types available, and the kind of coverage you need will depend on factors such as the value of your home, the likelihood of certain risks occurring, and your budget. Your home insurance agent can help you assess your needs and choose the right policy type for your situation.

2. What Perils Are Covered?

Most home insurance policies cover common risks such as fire, wind damage, and theft. However, coverage for other risks, such as floods or earthquakes, may need to be purchased separately. Be sure to ask your agent which perils are covered by your policy.

3. How Much Coverage Do I Need?

The coverage you need will depend on the value of your home and personal belongings. Your agent can help you determine an appropriate amount of coverage for your situation.

4. What Exclusions Are There?

Every home insurance policy has exclusions, which are risks not covered by the policy. Be sure to ask your agent about any exclusions that apply to your policy, so you know what risks you’ll need to protect yourself.

5. How Much Does the Policy Cost?

The cost of a home insurance policy will vary depending on the coverage you need and the type of policy you choose. Be sure to ask your agent for a quote so you can compare rates and find the most affordable policy for your needs.

Get Home Insurance in Houston, TX

Asking these five questions will help you select the right home insurance policy for your needs. Insurance Over Texas offers a variety of home insurance policies to fit any budget. Contact us today for a free quote.

3 Considerations When Buying Home Insurance

Home insurance is a very important aspect of the home buying process. You should feel confident about this purchase. At Insurance Over Texas serving Houston TX, we make it our business to bring you the information you need for informed buying. Let’s look at 3 considerations when buying home insurance. 

What Are The Legal Requirements?

The first thing you will want to consider is what are your legal obligations concerning home insurance. If you have a mortgage on the property, it is likely that the mortgage lender will require that home insurance be in place for the life of the loan. It is very important that you keep active insurance on a mortgaged property. If you fail to provide appropriate insurance or you allow the insurance to lapse, the mortgage lender can have a forced placed insurance policy activated. This is often very expensive for you as the homeowner. 

How Much Insurance Do You Need?

Each property will have a unique value that needs protection. In addition to this, each family will have its own unique collection of personal assets which will also need protection on the property as well. For these reasons, there is no one size fits all home insurance. The best way to determine how much insurance you need will be to sit down with an insurance representative to discuss your particular property.  They will be able to thoroughly evaluate the value of the property and the assets housed at the property. 

What Is Not Covered?

It is very important that you have a clear understanding of what your policy does not cover. Be sure to read your policy carefully and ask questions about anything you are unclear about. 

If you would like to learn more about our services, please contact us at Insurance Over Texas, serving Houston, TX. 

Things You Should Know Before Getting Home Insurance

Buying a home is an exciting but overwhelming process. Your new house is your most significant investment in life. Therefore, you want to make sure that it is well protected. The best way to do it is to purchase home insurance. However, choosing an insurance plan is not easy – you want to make sure that your coverage is affordable, reliable, and addresses all your needs. Therefore, before you purchase a certain plan, Insurance Over Texas serving Houston, TX has prepared the list of things you should know: 

What policy does cover, and what does not?

Most standard policies cover damages caused by fire, vandalism, storm, or theft. They also provide liability coverage to a homeowner if he is sued. However, such things as earthquakes, floods, sinkholes, war, and other events are not included in a standard home insurance policy and require additional coverage. Make sure that you discuss all the details with an insurance agency and find out what exactly your home insurance covers. 

"Toys" on your property that may increase the cost of insurance

Certain things are considered high risk because they can cause injuries and damages to the property. The most common are swimming pools and trampolines. If you have them, then most likely, the cost of your home insurance will be higher. It is essential to know and remember this when you are shopping around. 

Valuable items are usually not included in the standard coverage.

If you have valuable items in your house, such as pieces of art, jewelry, or antique, they may not be covered under the basic terms of your content coverage. Most standard insurance plans include the belongings only up to a specified limited amount. 

Getting the right home insurance for your home is crucial because it protects your property, your belongings, and yourself. Insurance Over Texas is an experienced insurance agency with over 30 years of experience that serves clients in Houston, TX, and other surrounding areas. Our highly qualified insurance agents are ready to answer all your questions and find the perfect plan based on your needs and budget. 

3 Benefits of Video Doorbell/Security Cams

Video doorbells have small security cameras that allow you to see and interact with whoever is on your porch or at your doorway. In Houston, TX, the agents of Insurance Over Texas can explain the benefits of using these new devices and how they are reducing the risk of stolen packages but also preventing break-ins and burglaries. 

Allows You to See Who Is At Your Door

The security camera inside your video doorbell is triggered by motion, allowing you to see a person as soon as they come within range. Once you have identified the person, you can choose to interact with them or let them go on their merry way. If it is a delivery person, you can speak directly to them and give them instructions on where to put your package for safekeeping. 

You Can Respond in Real-Time

Video doorbells allow you to respond in real-time. Depending on the situation, you can choose to initiate a conversation with the person, or you alert your neighbors that someone strange is wandering through your neighborhood. In some cases, the person may not have to make it up to your porch to trigger the camera. 

Two-Way Voice Communication

Two-way voice communication allows you to speak directly to the person whether you are inside your home or across the country. You will be able to see them, but they can’t see you.

The agents of Insurance Over Texas understand the importance of knowing your home is secure when you leave for an extended period of time. Residents of Houston, TX can discuss the benefits of installing a video doorbell viewer and other security features. Visit your agent today to learn more!

3 Types Of Damage Not Covered By Home Insurance

As a homeowner, you buy home insurance for your peace of mind (and also, because it’s usually a mortgage requirement.) But did you know that not all of the damage your Houston, TX home may sustain is covered by your policy? No matter what your individual Insurance Over Texas policy stipulates, here are three types of damage that are never covered by standard home insurance.

Specific Natural Disasters

Texas is plagued by hurricanes and other severe natural events from time to time. Still, if your home sustains damage from a natural event, the repairs can’t be reimbursed if you only hold a standard home insurance policy. Here are the types of natural disasters that can’t be covered:

  • floods
  • ground shifts resulting from earthquakes
  • damage sustained from strong winds and hurricanes

If you have flood insurance or hurricane insurance, your home is protected. Those are separate policies from the one most homeowners buy.

Lack Of Maintenance

If you neglect your home or allow it to fall into disrepair, you cannot be reimbursed by insurance. Normal wear and tear are not covered by most Houston, TX policies; home insurance is meant to protect your home from sudden occurrences and emergencies. Likewise, if you choose not to make repairs to your home when signs of wear become visible, you void your home insurance policy.

Bug And Rodent Infestations

While your home insurance is useful in covering most unfortunate circumstances, it will not cover vermin infestations. If your home is overcome by roaches or mice, you have to pay out of pocket to exterminate them.

Getting rid of bedbugs can be exceptionally costly, since you may have to replace a portion of your belongings in order to ensure that the bugs won’t return after they are chemically killed off. Bed bug eggs may remain in certain fabric belongings which may need to be thrown away. Even the replacement of these belongings cannot be covered by your homeowner’s policy, however

Are you ready to consult an Insurance Over Texas agent about your new homeowner’s policy? Visit our offices or contact us online to ask some questions or find the policy that fits your needs best.

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