Insurance Over Texas

430 Hwy 6 S. #102
Houston, TX 77079

About Insurance Over Texas

Renters’ Insurance Suggestions for Shared Living Spaces

Renters’ insurance provides protection for personal belongings. It also covers legal costs for liability claims that are placed against an insured individual. Learn how you and your new roommate can acquire the protection you both need.


First, you should know that a renters’ insurance policy will have a coverage limit. If you and your roommate decide to share an insurance policy, the coverage limit would need to be split between you.

Because doing this would lower your potential claim amount, you should each consider buying your own separate renters’ insurance policy. By having two separate policies, you and your roommate can customize the coverage you are each supplied with.


An inventory should be taken before you and your roommate acquire renters’ insurance. An inventory will help you and your roommate track which items will be stored in the apartment. It will prevent you or your roommate from overlooking a personal possession when purchasing a renters’ insurance policy.

The inventory should include furnishings, jewelry, clothing, and any other items that are valuable to you and your roommate. The list that you each create should be stored in a secure area that can be easily accessed.

Whenever you or your roommate decide to invest in a new possession, the inventory should be updated to reflect each purchase. Then, the existing renters’ insurance policy should be updated.

More Advice

One of our agents, who serves Houston, TX, can provide you with additional advice concerning renters’ insurance. Contact a representative of Insurance Over Texas to schedule an appointment with an agent.

Why do renters in the Houston area need to have renters insurance?

For people living in the Houston, TX area, choosing to rent a home can be a great option in some situations. As a renter, you will have less responsibility and could find your housing payments are lower than when compared with buying a home. Getting insurance is still a good idea if you rent a property. There are various reasons why a renter may need a renter’s insurance plan. 

Meet Standards and Requirements in Lease

Many renters in the Houston area will need a renter’s insurance plan because it can be a lease requirement. Property owners and lessors will often find that having a tenant with full insurance is beneficial as it offers indirect benefits. Because of this, they will require that the lessees carry a full renter’s insurance policy throughout the lease term. They may even require evidence of annual coverage paid for in advance. 

Receive Valued Coverage

Getting this insurance is also a good idea as it provides very valuable coverage. When you have this type of insurance, it will provide support so you can cover your personal assets and minimize personal liability risks. This can prove to be an excellent investment as it will offer support and help protect your finances. 

Choosing a proper renter’s insurance policy is an excellent option for any Houston, TX area renter. When you are ready to begin your search for coverage, call us at Insurance Over Texas. At Insurance Over Texas, we understand the value of this type of coverage and can help ensure that you can select the right policy for your situation. 

Things That Renters Insurance Does Not Cover

Most people know that they need renters insurance to protect their belongings in case of fire, theft, or other disasters. However, there are a few things that many renters are surprised to learn are not covered by their insurance policy. Here are five of the most common exclusions from renters insurance coverage.

1. Flooding

Many people assume that since their belongings are indoors, they will be safe from water damage in a flood. However, flooding is not typically covered by renters insurance. If you live in an area prone to floods, you may want to purchase a separate flood insurance policy.

2. Pest Damage

Unfortunately, most renters’ insurance policies will not cover any type of damage that pests may cause. This includes things like rodents chewing through your walls or termites damaging your personal belongings. If you have a problem with pests, you will likely need to contact a pest control company to resolve the issue.

3. Earthquake Damage

Many renters mistakenly believe that their renter’s insurance will cover damage caused by an earthquake. However, most policies exclude this type of coverage. If you live in an area prone to earthquakes, you may want to consider buying a separate earthquake insurance policy.

4. Damage to the Structure of the Home

Your renter’s insurance policy will not cover any damage to the physical structure of the home or apartment that you are renting. This includes water damage to the walls or ceiling or structural damage caused by a fire. If you cause any damage to the property, you will be responsible for repairing it or paying for the repairs.

5. Deliberate Damage

Your renter’s insurance will not cover the repairs if you intentionally damage your property. This includes things like vandalism or recklessly damaging your belongings. If you cause deliberate damage, you will be responsible for paying for the repairs yourself.

Get Renters Insurance in Houston, TX

If you’re looking for renters coverage, Insurance Over Texas has got you covered. We offer a wide range of renters insurance policies to protect your belongings from fire, theft, and other disasters. Contact us today to get a free quote.

Is Renters Insurance Required in Texas?

While renting an apartment, condo, or home in Houston, TX gives you the flexibility of the neighborhood you want to live in; you need to put renters insurance in your mind. Unfortunately, many tenants don’t remember to purchase renters insurance because they assume that the landlord’s insurance covers them. The reality is that the landlord’s insurance covers their building but not your assets. That said, you need to purchase renters insurance from Insurance Over Texas to protect what you value. 

Does Texas require renters insurance?

Although no Texas law requires tenants to buy renters insurance, your landlord may require you to have one before renting their property. Why? Negligence by a tenant can be costly, and worse enough, it affects other people living in the neighborhood. But whether renters insurance is required or not, it’s a worthwhile investment to consider.

What does renters insurance cover?

Standard renters insurance provides the below coverages:

  • Personal property coverage: The landlord’s policy covers damages to the building, including perils like water and fire damage. However, the occupants’ belongings aren’t covered when damaged. Fortunately, when you have renters insurance, you can file a claim if your electronics, furniture, and other assets are damaged or lost through fire, theft, vandalism, and so forth. Renters insurance also covers your property when you travel! However, you may need to purchase endorsements to cover your high-value items like cash and jewelry.
  • Liability coverage: Whether accidental or not, renters insurance covers tenants for property damage and injuries they cause to other people. Besides, renters insurance covers personal liability for legal claims you might face. 
  • Loss of use coverage: This coverage pays for additional living expenses (like hotel food and accommodation) when your condo or apartment becomes unlivable due to a covered peril.

Now that you have seen renters insurance is a wise investment, it’s time to purchase one from Insurance Over Texas. Please contact us today or visit our Houston, TX, to chat with our agents. 

Investing in Renters Insurance

Renters insurance is a valuable tool. Not only does it have a low-cost premium, but it also provides a significant amount of coverage for you. It’s common for renters to assume that the apartment owner’s insurance coverage will protect their possessions. This isn’t true, though. Some landlords require renters insurance. Even if it isn’t mandatory, it’s a good idea to have coverage. Our agents at Insurance Over Texas work with apartment dwellers throughout the Houston, TX area. They can explain the coverage options that are available and answer any questions. We want you to have the coverage that best fits your life. 

The primary function of renters insurance is to protect everything in your apartment. This includes furniture, electronics, jewelry, and clothing. The apartment owner has insurance to cover the building. That policy does not protect anything inside a renter’s apartment. Coverage from renter’s insurance goes beyond that, though. If a disaster damages the building, it can provide funds for your hotel and meal expenses until you can return to your apartment. It will also cover your items if they are stolen or damaged when you are away from home. If your laptop is stolen while you are at a local café, it will still be insured by your policy. Some renter’s insurance policies also offer personal liability insurance. This financially protects you if someone is injured in your apartment due to your negligence. 

At Insurance Over Texas, our agents understand the needs of renters in the Houston, TX area. We will take the time to get to know you and your situation so that we can recommend the best policy options for you. Renters insurance is a smart investment in protecting the things that make your apartment your home. Contact us today to explore how renters insurance can work for you!

Sharing Renter’s Insurance with a Roommate

When it comes to your belongings, you’ve worked hard for them. Thus, it’s imperative to have your items protected just in case an unforeseen incident happens. Sometimes the unthinkable happens, like a disaster that destroys your rental unit with your belongings, or they become stolen.

With this in mind, having a rental insurance property that adequately covers your rental home and things is very important. Also, if you have a roommate, you can share a renters’ insurance property with him/her. There are various pros and cons with this, and each state has its own rules regarding rental insurance and sharing a renters’ insurance policy with a roommate. However, when you use reputable insurance agents who are highly trained and licensed in renter’s insurance, you can eliminate potential issues regarding having a renter’s insurance with your roommate.      

If you live anywhere in Texas, such as Houston, TX, Insurance Over Texas is the insurance company you should contact about any renter’s insurance question. They are highly trained and licensed with several years of experience. They know and empathize with their clients knowing the drama and confusion that sometimes occur with a renter’s insurance policy shared among roommates.

From handling claims to the ownership of shared belongings, Insurance Over Texas in Houston, TX will help you every step of the way. They are affiliated with tons of insurance products, and they will find the right renter’s insurance policy for you.  Located in Houston, they anxiously await to assist you. You can easily contact them via email and phone. Also, you can get a comparison of quotes from them. So, contact them today. 



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