Insurance Over Texas

430 Hwy 6 S. #102
Houston, TX 77079

About Insurance Over Texas

Health insurance FAQs

Picking your health insurance every year is one of the most important decisions you make. It affects the type of health care you will get for the following year. It can be a very long year if you make a terrible choice. You have to choose something you can afford to provide the coverage you need. At Insurance Over Texas in Houston, TX, we have been providing quality service for more than 30 years. We work for our customers and are not beholding to any one insurance carrier. 

What is managed care? 

Managed care is the most common type of health insurance currently offered. There are three major types; HMO, PPO, and POS. When making your health insurance choice, it is essential to understand the difference between them. Some are more restrictive than others, and the costs are also different. You may need a primary care physician to manage your care. 

What is a network?

The network is the medical provider your insurance carrier has contracted to provide services. The prices are agreed upon in the contract. This includes doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, and other medical professionals who may provide you with services. With some managed care organizations, you must receive your service within the network, or services are not covered. 

Should I opt for a high-deductible policy?

With a high-deductible health insurance policy, you will need to pay the deductible before medical services are paid for. This means many out-of-pocket expenses, but the monthly premium will be lower. You can start an HSA (health savings account) to save money before taxes to help pay for the services that your insurance doesn’t pay for. 

Contact Insurance Over Texas in Houston, TX when you are ready to discuss your health insurance.

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Four Consequences of Driving Without Auto Insurance

Driving is a privilege, not a right. To operate a vehicle on public roads, drivers must purchase auto insurance. While the cost of insurance may seem unnecessary, it’s a vital investment.

Without insurance, drivers face several severe consequences if they are involved in an accident. From financial burdens to legal penalties, the risks of driving without insurance far outweigh the cost of a policy. For anyone still on the fence about whether or not to purchase coverage, consider the following four consequences:

1. License Suspension

A license suspension is one of the most common consequences of driving without insurance. In most states, motorists must provide proof of insurance when registering their vehicle. If caught driving without insurance, your license will be suspended until you provide proof of financial responsibility. Sometimes, you may also be required to attend a driver improvement course, pay a reinstatement fee, or file an SR-22 form with your state’s DMV.

Losing your license can have a significant impact on your life. You may struggle to make ends meet if you rely on your vehicle to get to work or school. A suspended license can also lead to higher insurance rates, making getting back on the road even more challenging. 

2. Fines and Penalties

If caught driving without auto insurance, you will be subject to fines and penalties. The fine amount will vary from one state to another, but it is typically a few hundred dollars. The fine is often much higher than the cost of purchasing a policy, so there is no reason to take the risk. In addition to the fine, you may also be required to attend traffic school or have your license suspended.

3. Your Vehicle May be Impounded

If caught driving without auto insurance, your vehicle may be impounded. This means the police will take your car and you will have to pay to get it back. In some cases, you may also have to pay a fine.

Having your vehicle impounded can be a significant inconvenience, and it can also be costly. If you can’t afford to pay the impound fee, you may have to sell your car or borrow money from friends or family. Either way, it’s crucial to ensure that you are always adequately insured. Otherwise, you could end up paying a lot of money in fees and fines.

4. Jail Time

Driving without auto insurance is a huge gamble. If caught, you could be looking at serious penalties, including jail time. That’s right—if you can’t show proof of insurance and you’re involved in an accident, you could end up behind bars. Not only that but you could also be hit with some hefty fines. So, if you don’t have auto insurance, think twice before getting behind the wheel. It’s just not worth the risk.

Ensure You Get Auto Insurance Now!

Auto insurance is a vital form of financial responsibility for all drivers. If caught driving without it, you could face several severe consequences. From license suspension to jail time, the risks far outweigh the cost of a policy.

If you need help finding affordable auto insurance in Houston, TX, contact Insurance Over Texas today. We can help you find the coverage you need. Give us a call today at 281-752-6704 to get started.

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Protect Your Texas Business With the Right Commercial Insurance Policies

Being a business owner comes with risk. But you can prepare for some risks with commercial insurance. Here in Houston, TX, there are a few critical commercial insurance policies every business should have.

Commercial Property Insurance

Property insurance is a must. This policy protects your business’s physical property from damage or destruction. It can cover your business’s building and any equipment or inventory inside.

If your business is in an area prone to hurricanes or flooding, ensure your property insurance policy includes coverage for those types of disasters.

Commercial Auto Coverage

Similar to insurance for a personal vehicle, commercial auto insurance covers vehicles used for business purposes. This includes company cars, trucks, vans, and other vehicles.

You need commercial auto insurance if your business uses vehicles to transport goods or customers. This policy can cover repairs or replacement if your car is damaged in an accident. It can also provide liability coverage if your business is sued over an accident.

Liability Insurance

Liability insurance protects your business from claims of bodily injury or property damage caused by your business operations. If a customer slips and falls in your store, or if one of your products damages someone’s property, liability insurance can help cover the costs of any legal claims.

Product liability insurance is a type of liability insurance that explicitly covers claims arising from defective products. If you manufacture or sell products, this is essential coverage to have. Speak with an Insurance Over Texas representative to see how much coverage you need.

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

If you have employees, you are required by law to carry workers’ compensation insurance. This policy covers medical expenses and lost wages for injured employees who become ill because of their job.

Not all commercial insurance policies are required by law. But they can still be important for protecting your business. Talk to your insurance agent at Insurance Over Texas about the right coverage for your Houston, TX business.

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5 Questions to Ask Your Home Insurance Agent Before Buying a Policy

Home insurance is one of those things that you hope you never have to use, but it’s essential to have in case the worst does happen. When selecting a home insurance policy, it’s essential to work with an experienced agent who can help you navigate the various options and find the coverage that best fits your needs. Here are five questions to ask your home insurance agent before buying a policy.

1. What Type of Coverage Do I Need?

There are various home insurance policy types available, and the kind of coverage you need will depend on factors such as the value of your home, the likelihood of certain risks occurring, and your budget. Your home insurance agent can help you assess your needs and choose the right policy type for your situation.

2. What Perils Are Covered?

Most home insurance policies cover common risks such as fire, wind damage, and theft. However, coverage for other risks, such as floods or earthquakes, may need to be purchased separately. Be sure to ask your agent which perils are covered by your policy.

3. How Much Coverage Do I Need?

The coverage you need will depend on the value of your home and personal belongings. Your agent can help you determine an appropriate amount of coverage for your situation.

4. What Exclusions Are There?

Every home insurance policy has exclusions, which are risks not covered by the policy. Be sure to ask your agent about any exclusions that apply to your policy, so you know what risks you’ll need to protect yourself.

5. How Much Does the Policy Cost?

The cost of a home insurance policy will vary depending on the coverage you need and the type of policy you choose. Be sure to ask your agent for a quote so you can compare rates and find the most affordable policy for your needs.

Get Home Insurance in Houston, TX

Asking these five questions will help you select the right home insurance policy for your needs. Insurance Over Texas offers a variety of home insurance policies to fit any budget. Contact us today for a free quote.

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Can you add Medicare supplemental plans after signup?

You may or may not have known about the recent massive changes to Medicare supplemental insurance. Medicare has become a bit more complex than its traditional four parts, and Insurance Over Texas wants to help Houston, TX residents better understand the added complexities. The government still provides you with Part A for free, but you now have nine supplemental choices instead of three and a seven-month period in which to choose from them.

When is the seven-month period?

For three months before your 65th birthday, the month of your 65th birthday, and the three months after your 65th birthday, you get to peruse Medicare plans. You automatically get Part A, hospitalization coverage, when you turn 65 as long as you register for it. Part A comes gratis from the US government.

You can easily add to Part A during the seven months surrounding your 65th birthday. You can choose from Parts B, C, D, F, G, K, L, M, and N. Ignore the missing letters. It’s a government thing.

At a minimum, most individuals choose Part B, medical insurance, to add to their free A.

Some people add Part C, which you can choose to contain prescription drug coverage or not.

You can also add Part D to A, which includes prescription drug coverage.

What about the other parts?

Choosing F, G, K, L, M, and N provides you with a Medigap plan combining various levels of Parts A, B, C, and D. Some states offer specialized Medigap plans.

If you think you want a Medigap plan, you’ll have a six-month shopping period. Unless you experience a special qualifying issue or have a guaranteed issue, you can’t change your Medigap after choosing it.

You can compare two Medigap plans side-by-side, although you will need to pay the premium for both in that comparison month.

As you near your 65th birthday, contact Insurance Over Texas serving the Houston, TX metropolitan area. We’ll help you choose and add the supplemental plans that make the most sense for you to supplement your Medicare coverage.

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Can you add Medicare supplemental plans after signup?

You may or may not have known about the recent massive changes to Medicare supplemental insurance. Medicare has become a bit more complex than its traditional four parts, and Insurance Over Texas wants to help Houston, TX residents better understand the added complexities. The government still provides you with Part A for free, but you now have nine supplemental choices instead of three and a seven-month period in which to choose from them.

When is the seven-month period?

For three months before your 65th birthday, the month of your 65th birthday, and the three months after your 65th birthday, you get to peruse Medicare plans. You automatically get Part A, hospitalization coverage, when you turn 65 as long as you register for it. Part A comes gratis from the US government.

You can easily add to Part A during the seven months surrounding your 65th birthday. You can choose from Parts B, C, D, F, G, K, L, M, and N. Ignore the missing letters. It’s a government thing.

At a minimum, most individuals choose Part B, medical insurance, to add to their free A.

Some people add Part C, which you can choose to contain prescription drug coverage or not.

You can also add Part D to A, which includes prescription drug coverage.

What about the other parts?

Choosing F, G, K, L, M, and N provides you with a Medigap plan combining various levels of Parts A, B, C, and D. Some states offer specialized Medigap plans.

If you think you want a Medigap plan, you’ll have a six-month shopping period. Unless you experience a special qualifying issue or have a guaranteed issue, you can’t change your Medigap after choosing it.

You can compare two Medigap plans side-by-side, although you will need to pay the premium for both in that comparison month.

As you near your 65th birthday, contact Insurance Over Texas serving the Houston, TX metropolitan area. We’ll help you choose and add the supplemental plans that make the most sense for you to supplement your Medicare coverage.

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Things That Renters Insurance Does Not Cover

Most people know that they need renters insurance to protect their belongings in case of fire, theft, or other disasters. However, there are a few things that many renters are surprised to learn are not covered by their insurance policy. Here are five of the most common exclusions from renters insurance coverage.

1. Flooding

Many people assume that since their belongings are indoors, they will be safe from water damage in a flood. However, flooding is not typically covered by renters insurance. If you live in an area prone to floods, you may want to purchase a separate flood insurance policy.

2. Pest Damage

Unfortunately, most renters’ insurance policies will not cover any type of damage that pests may cause. This includes things like rodents chewing through your walls or termites damaging your personal belongings. If you have a problem with pests, you will likely need to contact a pest control company to resolve the issue.

3. Earthquake Damage

Many renters mistakenly believe that their renter’s insurance will cover damage caused by an earthquake. However, most policies exclude this type of coverage. If you live in an area prone to earthquakes, you may want to consider buying a separate earthquake insurance policy.

4. Damage to the Structure of the Home

Your renter’s insurance policy will not cover any damage to the physical structure of the home or apartment that you are renting. This includes water damage to the walls or ceiling or structural damage caused by a fire. If you cause any damage to the property, you will be responsible for repairing it or paying for the repairs.

5. Deliberate Damage

Your renter’s insurance will not cover the repairs if you intentionally damage your property. This includes things like vandalism or recklessly damaging your belongings. If you cause deliberate damage, you will be responsible for paying for the repairs yourself.

Get Renters Insurance in Houston, TX

If you’re looking for renters coverage, Insurance Over Texas has got you covered. We offer a wide range of renters insurance policies to protect your belongings from fire, theft, and other disasters. Contact us today to get a free quote.

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Why flood insurance is so important

Insurance Over Texas is here for the greater Houston, TX area residents. If you wonder if flood insurance is right and necessary for you, we can help answer your questions. There are several ways that flood protection can benefit homeowners in our area. Give us a call or stop by to find out more!

Importance of flood insurance

There are many different reasons to carry flood insurance, even if it isn’t required of you. Insurance companies treat water damage in several different ways, depending on how the damage was caused.

For instance, if you have a pipe burst or a similar plumbing problem that creates damage in your home, your homeowner’s policy will likely cover it. However, if you experience water damage caused by a flood, it is unlikely that such damage would be covered under your home insurance policy.

Because of this, it is vital to give flood insurance a closer look. Flood damage can be substantial and very cumbersome, and expensive to repair. If you want to make sure that you are protected in the event of a flood, you will need a separate policy for that purpose.

Of course, not every area needs flood insurance, so it may not be appropriate for your home and your needs. Find out today if flood insurance is something that can benefit you.

Find out if flood insurance is right for you.

Houston, TX area homeowners can rely on Insurance Over Texas. If you want to ensure that your home has all of the protection it needs, we are here to help! Give us a call today or come by our office to learn more about the many benefits of flood insurance.

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What Does Condo Insurance Cover?

Like home insurance, condo insurance is purchased by anyone who owns a condominium and helps pay for damages to you, your unit, and your belongings. Typically, condo insurance consists of the following four main components:

  • Personal Liability Coverage: If a third party is injured while visiting your condominium and you are legally deemed to be at fault, this coverage will pay for the medical expenses and legal fees associated with the accident.
  • Guest Medical Coverage: If you are not at fault, but someone is injured while at your unit, guest medical coverage can be used to pay for their medical expenses.
  • Building Property Protection: With a condo, you are only responsible for damage to the walls of your unit and the interior. This type of coverage pays for repairs to the walls and interior, such as fixtures, doors, etc.
  • Personal Property Coverage: If your furniture, electronics, or other personal belongings are damaged in a covered incident, then personal property coverage will help you repair or replace the items.

In addition to your condo insurance policy, your condo association will also have an insurance policy that helps pay for repairs and covers damages to the common areas of the building. Your monthly, quarterly, or yearly condo fees will help defray the cost of this policy from the condo association. 

Whether you are a first-time condo owner or shopping for a new condo insurance policy, the team at Insurance Over Texas is ready to help. We’ll walk you through the various components of condo insurance policies and help you make informed decisions. When you are prepared to obtain more information, give us a call or stop by our conveniently located office in Houston, TX.

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How Health Insurance Can Save You Money

When most people in Houston, TX are shopping for health insurance, they mainly think about the cost of the premium. They may also consider the full cost of the plan, including deductibles, coinsurance, and copays. However, it is just as important to consider the value that health insurance provides. If you have questions, feel free to contact Insurance Over Texas to learn more.

Discount Rates

Health insurance providers directly negotiate costs with hospitals and health care providers. Then, the rates are included in the health care plan. Some plans will only negotiate rates for in-network medical care providers, while others will offer negotiated rates for out-of-network providers. All health insurance plans provide coverage for emergency services regardless of whether the care received was from an in-network provider.

The amount charged by health care providers is typically higher than the negotiated rates. You will receive an Explanation of Benefits that will include a breakdown of the costs, including:

  • The amount the provider usually charges
  • The negotiated cost
  • How much was paid by your insurance policy
  • The amount that you owe that was not covered

Cost Sharing

Health insurance plans feature an out-of-pocket maximum and an annual deductible. The deductible is the amount that must be paid before the insurance company takes over the responsibility for the costs. Once the out-of-pocket maximum is reached, the insurance company will pay the remainder of the medical expenses.

Preventative Care Coverage

Health insurance plans offer complete coverage for preventative care. When doctors can identify a health problem in the early stages, they can begin treatment to prevent the progression of the problem. This will save you a lot of money by avoiding expensive treatment bills for preventable issues.

To find out more ways health insurance can save you money in Houston, TX, contact the experts at Insurance Over Texas today. Give us a call today.

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